Sump Pumps and Battery Backup Sump Pumps | Services Near Antioch, IL

Sump Pumps and Battery Backup Sump Pumps

If your home is situated near a waterway or in a low-lying area, you might have noticed that your basement gets waterlogged. However, thanks to the advanced sump pump technology, you can rest assured that any accumulated water will be swiftly removed, keeping your home safe and secure from any potential harm.

What is a Sump Pump?

A sump pump is a device that transports excess water from a pit to the outdoors. These pumps are generally installed in a basement and placed within a pit basin that is dug out of the ground. As water flows into the basement, it will naturally flow down into the sump pump basin.

As the pump's float senses that water levels are rising, it will turn on the pump. The pump will suck up water out of the basin and push it through a hose to the outside of your home.

What is a Battery Backup?

Every sump pump will have its own dedicated outlet on your electrical panel. This way, it constantly receives power to sense rising water levels. However, when the power to your home goes out, say from a nasty thunderstorm, your sump pump won't operate unless you have a battery backup.

This battery works to power your sump pump whenever a power outage occurs. A typical battery lasts one to three days if it isn't continuously pumping. If it's constantly pumping, it will last between five and seven hours. A sump pump battery backup is an excellent investment for any homeowner to ensure that their home stays clear of flood waters whenever a rainstorm causes a power outage to occur.


Signs That Your Sump Pump Needs Attention

While a sump pump is a great investment, it's important that you monitor that investment to ensure it's working efficiently. If you notice any of the symptoms below, it's time to call in a professional to help fix your sump pump. 

  • Odd Noises: A low humming noise is normal when your sump pump is working. But, if you hear loud noises like grinding or rattling, turn it off to prevent further damage.
  • Continuously Running: Your sump pump should only turn on when there is excess water in the basin that needs to be transported outside. If you notice that your sump pump is constantly turning on and off, it's likely a problem with your float switch.
  • Not Turning On: A sump pump should actively monitor your basin's water level. If it doesn't kick on when the basin is full, it may be a faulty float or an electrical issue that needs to be diagnosed by a licensed plumbing professional.
  • Excess Vibration: Excess vibration from a running sump pump indicates debris stuck in the impeller. Turn off the pump immediately and have it inspected.
Sump Pump

Don't let a flooded basement ruin your day. Contact Command Service Center today to schedule your sump pump or backup battery sump pump service and keep your home safe and dry!
