How to Diagnose Your Garbage Disposal and How to Fix It

How to Diagnose Your Garbage Disposal and How to Fix It


When it comes to cleaning up after dinner or lunch, most of us don't look forward to it. However, having a garbage disposal is a great way to help speed up the cleaning process and save yourself some necessary time. Unfortunately, occasionally, you may find that your garbage disposal will become clogged and needs to be fixed. Knowing how to address this situation will be the key to doing it quickly.

How to Diagnose a Clogged Garbage Disposal

When your garbage disposal becomes clogged, you'll notice that it won't turn on or stop working on you. While you might think that your garbage disposal may have come unplugged or the power got killed, this is typically the result of a built-in safety device on your garbage disposal. As soon as it senses it's being overloaded, it will trip to prevent the motor and blades from being damaged.

Also, if your garbage disposal becomes clogged with debris, it may turn on but not allow water to drain. Rather, the water will simply back up into your sink. This is a common occurrence that will indicate that you have a clog inside your garbage disposal that keeps water from properly draining out of your sink.

Items That Shouldn't Go Down Your Garbage Disposal

If you have a garbage disposal in your home, you need to be aware of some key items that should not be going down. You never want to put down any sort of grease or oil. Instead, utilize a jar or other method to eliminate grease from your cooking. You should also avoid putting any coffee grounds down your drain as they can come together and create a clog. In addition, pasta, eggshells, and bones should never be put down your garbage disposal.

How to Fix Your Garbage Disposal

To fix your garbage disposal, you'll first want to kill the power to avoid any potential accident while working in your sink. Next, remove any physical waste inside your sink and leave about two inches of standing water. You'll want to grab your cup plunger and use medium pressure to help plunge the drain opening to clear the clog.

If the cup plunder doesn't work to remove the obstructions, you may want to use a pair of pliers or tongs to remove any obstructions that you can visibly see in the drain. Once you remove the debris, go ahead and turn your garbage disposal back on and see if it will drain. You might have to hit the reset button that can be found on the garbage disposal if it was tripped due to an overload.

Call Us Today

If you're having an issue with your garbage disposal, then it's time to contact us at Command Service Center. Let our highly knowledgeable plumbing professionals assist you with all of your plumbing needs.


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